Hi, my name is Dejaime Antônio de Oliveira Neto

I'm a generalist game programmer and a team lead with experience with C++ in custom engine constexts, C# with Unity and Godot.

Also worked on backend, both restful and sockets, mainly using Rust, TypeScript and Go, MongoDB and Postgres, while managing simple servers and databases using docker on AWS.

My current experiments:

Want to know more about me?

Take a look at my CV

See some of my code at GitHub

Or connect with me over at LinkedIn

Or reach me at:

Email me at contact@dejai.me

Or if you prefer instant, send me a message via t.me/dejaime or LinkedIn

PS: If you came to play the game I had here, I'm sorry, but it kinda broke and I had to take it down. I'll probably create another minigame to put here.

PPS: Maybe (maybe) we'll have something multiplayer this time?